BPS Global Group has engaged and invested in logistics business and operations for more than two decades and has extensive experience in supply chain management. In addition to consulting services, the Group also expanded to provide logistics operations management services to help customers manage their logistics parks and related businesses.


Investment Operations Strategies


  • To meet the subsequent financing needs for sustainable development of the developers and investors.


  • Due to the sustained development of China's economy, foreign funds anticipates a long-term and stable return on its investment. As such, the funds from logistics investment funds to invest in the logistics parks to have a stable and long-term return.


  • Developers and investors look for a consultant in China to help the funds finding the right logistics projects. BPS Global Group, with its advanced logistics management concepts, techniques and experience in China, can lead or participate in managing our customers’ logistics projects to ensure smooth implementation. As a result, the Group has been highly recognized by the International Funds. For the time being, there are international funds from many countries entrusted the Group as a logistics park development fund services platform.


  • After identifying suitable logistics park projects, BPS Global Group will help Investment Funds to perform acquisition assessment and provide support in other functional areas. In addition to a joint venture with the fund, we will also continue to provide full ranges of services including functional and market positioning, equipment set up to ensure that logistics park operations can meet the funds ROI and IRR requirements.


- Focused Investment Locations: Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen

- Other investment hot spots: Xi'an, Chengdu, Wuhan, Changsha and Kunming.


  • BPS Global Group, as an all-around international logistics park operating entity, provides a full range of services for the logistics sector from upstream suppliers to downstream demand side to make a seamless integration. Our services consist of finding logistics park investors, funding for the developers, implementation, operation, selling, investing, IPO and acquisition of a logistics park by the fund for further development.