High Court Extension and Construction of Additional Facilities Have Gone Well

BPS Global has been carrying out the project of extension and construction of additional facilities on LG4/F of High Court since last September. The whole project is estimated to complete in 30 months. In July 2022, we finished the most important part of the project – construction of mock-up courtroom. It is a milestone in this project as it gives references to the internal layout for the other 5 new courts to be built.


Upon the completion of the mock-up courtroom, our client can have glimpses of the final design, furnishing and details before the whole project is completed. It can also help client to foresee the potential problems in future so that they can plan ahead and prepare alternative designs or solutions. As mock-up courtroom is built, we can focus on the rest of the project and make sure it can be finished timely.


During the process, Hong Kong was hit hard by the 5th wave of COVID. We faced significant challenges at times. There was time when some of the workers were tested positive and it caused unpredictable delay. The pandemic also caused serious delay in transport of materials. Thankfully, all those difficulties were overcome within a short time by the team spirit and positive attitude of the BPS Global staff and therefore, delay was minimized. For example, our dedicated procurement staff explored different ways to get hold of various construction materials. Our diligent project staff have also reinforced precautions in coping with COVID so to safe guard the health and safety of the construction workers. As a result, the mock-up courtroom was built in a timely manner.


All the projects are monitored and carefully carried out by our professional teams, which include our project managers, project coordinators, managers of building services, quantity surveyors, etc. They all work together to manage the subcontractors and coordinate with the design team of our clients. Regardless of the project scale, our clients can always rely on our dedication and professionalism.

Project Details


Scope of Work

  • Alterations & Additions
  • Project Management



  • Admiralty, Hong Kong